The Growing Health Revolution — Deep Roots Project

The Growing Health Revolution

According to Dr. Mark Hyman, 60% of Americans have a chronic disease,70% of world-wide deaths are caused by chronic disease, over the next 35 years we will spend $95 trillion dollars on chronic disease, we only have 60 years of harvests left in our quickly disappearing top soil, and our food system is the number one cause of climate change.

“The book “Food Fix: How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities, and Our Planet--One Bite at a Time” is an indispensable guide to food, our most powerful tool to reverse the global epidemic of chronic disease, heal the environment, reform politics, and revive economies, from #1 New York Times bestselling author Mark Hyman, MD.”Read this book if you're ready to change the world.” –Timothy John Ryan served as a U.S. representative for Ohio from 2003 to 2023.

The industrialization of food production, encouraged by government policies and the consolidation of food industries, has led to a diet dominated by processed foods, contributing to the global epidemic of chronic diseases and resulting in profound health disparities and injustices. We need a shift towards regenerative agriculture to mitigate climate change and improve public health. The true costs of processed food and industrial food production are hidden.

Processed foods are changing our waistlines AND our world!

Welcome to the era where your dinner might have more frequent flier miles and artificial ingredients than your entire Instagram feed. It's no secret that the way we eat has changed dramatically, thanks to the industrialization of food production, fueled by government policies and big food industry players. This shift has left us with a plate full of processed foods, sidelining the real stars: fruits, veggies, whole grains, and the like. It's a shift that's not just changing our waistlines but our world, contributing to a host of chronic diseases and environmental issues.

The Standard American Diet (SAD)

Enter Dr. Mark Hyman, a pioneer in functional medicine, who's not just talking the talk but walking the walk with his book "Food Fix." He's here to give us the lowdown on why the Standard American Diet (SAD) is, well, pretty sad. It's a concoction of ultra-processed foods, added sugars, fats, and sodium – a far cry from the wholesome, natural foods our bodies crave.

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is a modern dietary pattern afflicting American adults and children across the United States with long-term, damaging health consequences. By definition, the Standard American Diet consists of ultra-processed foods, added sugar, fat, and sodium. Wholesome foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are largely forgotten. 

According to the Department of Agriculture, processed food are any raw agricultural commodities that have been washed, cleaned, milled, cut, chopped, heated, pasteurized, blanched, cooked, canned, frozen, dried, dehydrated, mixed or packaged — anything done to them that alters their natural state. The top 10 unhealthy foods extremely harmful for your health are refined carbohydrates, alcohol, potato crisps, margarine, canned soups, doughnuts, processed meat, and instant noodles.

The Food Fix Campaign

In “Food Fix” Dr. Hyman uncovers the bitter truth behind our food systems. These systems are making us sick, hurting our planet, and costing us more than just a pretty penny. He points out the main culprits – refined carbs, alcohol, and a parade of processed foods that sound more like a chemistry experiment than a meal.

But it's not all doom and gloom. Dr. Hyman is on a mission with the Food Fix Campaign to turn the tables on these food giants, advocating for a world where agriculture heals the planet instead of harming it. He's talking about regenerative farming – a way of growing food that puts health and environment first. It restores health soils destroyed by tilling and chemicals used by industrial agriculture. Many soil scientists say we only have 60 harvests left.

Root causes of most disease is a destructive food system

After decades of treating chronic diseases, Dr. Hyman realized the root causes stem from a destructive food system, influenced heavily by food policies shaped by the food industry. This industry, according to Dr. Hyman, manipulates science, spreads misinformation, and drives the consumption of toxic food, leading to widespread chronic diseases, environmental degradation, and significant economic burdens in all areas of life.

Highlighting the historical progression towards the current food system, Dr. Hyman pointed out the shift post-World War II towards industrial agriculture, which, while solving immediate hunger issues, laid the foundation for today's health and environmental crises. The industrialization of food production, encouraged by government policies and the consolidation of food industries, has led to a diet dominated by processed foods, contributing to the global epidemic of chronic diseases.

Dr. Hyman criticized the existing food policies for supporting unhealthy food production and distribution practices, resulting in profound health disparities and injustices. He called for a comprehensive understanding of the interconnections between food systems and global challenges, advocating for systemic changes that address the root causes.

Food as medicine

Dr Hyman says the role of healthcare practitioners should be promoting food as medicine. Also needed is policy changes to support farmers in adopting regenerative practices that restores healthy soils, and the gradual shift of some large food companies towards sustainable practices. Dr. Hyman highlights the link between poor dietary habits and chronic diseases, including their impact on COVID-19 outcomes, underscoring the urgency of addressing the food system for better health and environmental outcomes.

This isn't just about eating your greens. It’s a call to action.

Dr. Hyman is rallying everyone from farmers to policymakers to rethink how we produce and consume food. Imagine a world where food is medicine, where policies support sustainable farming, and where big food companies prioritize the planet and our health over their profits.

So, what's the takeaway? It's time to get clued up and speak up. Our health, our economy, and our environment are all on the line. Let's push for a food revolution that brings us back to basics, champions regenerative agriculture, and makes the planet a healthier place for future generations.

Ready to join the movement?

Dr. Hyman's message through "Food Fix" and his advocacy work is a call to action for individuals, communities, and policymakers to recognize and act on the interconnectedness of food systems, health, and the environment. By understanding these connections and advocating for systemic changes, there is hope for reversing the negative impacts of current food practices on global health and the planet.

“Grow Your Own Food” blog posts

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Deep Roots online store

See our online store for details about prices, ordering and delivery of raised beds, planter boxes, microbe-rich compost, worm castings, leaf mulch and more. We don’t sell traditional soil, since we use 100% compost as our growing medium. Our online store has 2 sections – (1) raised beds and planter boxes and (2) compost, worm castings, fertilizer.

Please contact our customer support team before placing an order online so we can assist you with the details and answer your gardening questions. You can pay by credit card in the store or by check.

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