A glossary of food gardening terminology can be incredibly helpful for new gardeners as they start to explore more advanced skills and the latest science around growing food. You will have the added challenge of figuring out which methods are compatible with and will enhance our method of Transformational Gardening and which methods of traditional gardening and farming are not appropriate.
Season Extension
Frost-free Planting Dates and Plant Protection in Zones 5b & 6a
Climate change adds complexity to predicting frost-free dates by influencing weather patterns and subsequently the growing seasons across the globe. The USDA Hardiness Zones (also known as climate zones) were widely used to provide an average expectation of minimum winter temperatures. But there were never any specific frost dates.
“Roundup” Pesticide is a Poison
Tomato Growing Tips
A fresh ripe tomato is one of the most delicious and simple foods available to us. And it’s the most nutritious when eaten from a local organic garden or farm. Plus, there are so many tomato varieties all with their own unique colors and flavors. It's time to unlock the pleasure of eating real food again without spending big bucks at the organic market. Deep Roots wants to guide you through the steps of learning to grow your own tomatoes at a fraction of the grocery store cost. With a correct watering and a lot of sun, tomato plants will bear fruit all summer long. Tomatoes are fragrant and nutrient-rich. The taste of a freshly picked homegrown tomato is a joy.
Veggie Temperature Tolerances
Planting Garlic in Fall
Plant Spinach Seeds in Fall
Plant seeds Nov. 15 to 30 for spring germination
Get a larger crop with much less work if you plant the seeds in November for germination in the spring. Early November is unpredictably warm. Better to plant in late November when temperatures are reliably colder. The seeds and new spring sprouts like snow. You can also plant more seeds in late February/early March.